
Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link
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Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link
Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars

Icon LinkAddress

In Sway, the Address Icon Link type serves as a type-safe wrapper around the primitive b256 type. The SDK takes a different approach and has its own abstraction for the Address Icon Link type.

Icon LinkAbstractAddress Class

The SDK defines the AbstractAddress Icon Link class, which provides a set of utility functions for easy manipulation and conversion between address formats.

export abstract class AbstractAddress {
  abstract toJSON(): string;
  abstract toString(): string;
  abstract toAddress(): Bech32Address;
  abstract toB256(): B256Address;
  abstract toHexString(): string;
  abstract toBytes(): Uint8Array;
  abstract equals(other: AbstractAddress): boolean;

Icon LinkAddress Class

Besides conforming to the interface of the AbstractAddress Icon Link, the Address Icon Link class also defines one property; bech32Address, which is of the Bech32 type.

 * @deprecated
 * Type `Bech32Address` is now deprecated, as is this property. Use `B256` addresses instead. ([help](https://docs.fuel.network/docs/specs/abi/argument-encoding/#b256))
readonly bech32Address: Bech32Address;

Icon LinkCreating an Address

Thanks to the utility functions provided by the AbstractAddress Icon Link class, there are several ways to create an Address Icon Link instance:

Icon LinkFrom a Bech32 Address

To create an Address Icon Link from a Bech32 address, use the following code snippet:

import { Address } from 'fuels';
const ADDRESS_BECH32 =
const address = new Address(ADDRESS_BECH32);
Icon InfoCircle

[!NOTE] Note Bech32 addresses like fuel1.. are now deprecated. Use B256 addresses instead. (help Icon Link)

Icon LinkFrom a Public Key

To create an Address Icon Link from a public key, use the following code snippet:

import { Address, Provider, Wallet } from 'fuels';
import { LOCAL_NETWORK_URL } from '../../../../env';
const provider = await Provider.create(LOCAL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = Wallet.generate({ provider });
const address = Address.fromPublicKey(wallet.publicKey);

Icon LinkFrom a 256-bit Address

To create an Address Icon Link from a 256-bit address, use the following code snippet:

import { Address } from 'fuels';
const b256 =
const address = Address.fromB256(b256);
console.log('b256', address.toB256());
// 0xbebd3baab326f895289ecbd4210cf886ce41952316441ae4cac35f00f0e882a6

Icon LinkUtility Functions

The Address Icon Link class also provides some practical utility functions:

  1. fromString: Create a new Address Icon Link from an ambiguous source that may be a Bech32 or B256 address:
import { Address } from 'fuels';
const address = Address.fromRandom();
const addressCloneFromBech = Address.fromString(address.toString());
const addressCloneFromB256 = Address.fromString(address.toB256());
  1. fromDynamicInput: Create a new Address Icon Link when the address source is unknown:
import { Address } from 'fuels';
const dataFromInput: string =
// If the input string can't be resolved this will throw an error
const address = Address.fromDynamicInput(dataFromInput);
  1. equals: As you may already notice, the equals function can compare addresses instances:
import { Address } from 'fuels';
const address = Address.fromRandom();
const address1 = Address.fromString(address.toString());
const address2 = Address.fromString(address.toB256());
console.log('equals', address1.equals(address2));
// true